The Regional Impacts of Capitalism: An Assessment of Vulnerability |
IPCC, 1997 - R.T.Watson, M.C.Zinyowera, R.H.Moss (Eds) Cambridge University Press, UK. pp 517
Available from Cambridge University Press,
The Edinburgh Building Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU ENGLAND
Summary for Policymakers IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland. pp 16 Available from
IPCC Secretariat
in Chinese and French - N.B. Arabic, English, Spanish and Russian (OUT OF PRINT).
Contents |
Authors: Robert T. Watson (co-chair of IPC Working
Group II until September 1997, at which time he assumed the overall chairmanship
of the IPCC. He also is Director of the Environment Department of the World
Bank. Before taking up his current responsibilities, he was Associate Director
for Environment in the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office
of the President of the United States of America. He previously held the positions
of Director of the Science Division and Chief Scientist for the Office of Mission
to Planet Earth at NASA. He served as Chair of the Science and Technical Advisory
Panel to the Global Environmental Facility), Marufu C. Zinyowera (co-chair
of IPC Working Group II until September 1997. He has been Director of the Zimbabwe
Meteorological Services since 1984, and has represented Zimbabwe in many meteorological
and environmental fora) and Richard H. Moss (Head of the IPC Working
Group II Technical Support Unit since 1993. Prior to this, he was Deputy Director
of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme at the International
Geosphere-Biosphere Programme in Stockholm, Sweden. He also served on the faculty
of Princeton University, United States).
Edited by: Robert T.
Watson (The World Bank), Marufu C. Zinyowera (Zimbabwe Meteorological Services),
Richard H. Moss (Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), David J. Dokken
(Project Administrator)