Section III
Case Studies
Section Coordinators:
Stephen O. Andersen (USA), Ajay Mathur (India)
16: Case Studies
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Case Selection Approach
16.3 Interaction of the Local and Global Environment for
16.4 Cross-Cutting Issues
16.4.1 Subsidies
16.4.2 Regulatory Environment
16.4.3 Information
16.4.4 Capability to Choose, Adopt, and Adapt Technologies
16.5 Key Findings and Lessons from Technology Cooperation
Case Study 1 Research, Development and Commercialisation
of Cookstoves (KCJ)
Case Study 2 Public Promotion of Private Investment in
Efficient Lighting)
Case Study 3 Inner Mongolian Household Wind Electric Systems
Case Study 4 Hydrocarbon Refrigerator "Ecofrig"
in India
Case Study 5 The Commercial Dissemination of Photovoltaic
Systems in Kenya
Case Study 6 Coal Power Plants in China
Case Study 7 Butane Gas Stove in Senegal
Case Study 8 The Brazilian Fuel Alcohol Programme
Case Study 9 Bamboo Fibre Reinforced Cement Board for
Carbon Sequestration
Case Study 10 Demand Side Management (DSM) in Ukraine
Case Study 11 Mitigating Transport Sector GHG Emissions:
Options for Uganda
Case Study 12 USIJI as a Technology Transfer Process
Case Study 13 Technology Co-operation in Indonesia for
Natural Gas Production
Case Study 14 Rural Electrification using Photovoltaics
in Ladakh, India
Case Study 15 Blast Furnace Hot Stove Heat Recovery Technology
for Chinese Steel Industries
Case Study 16 Coastal Zone Management for Cyprus: Transnational
Technology Transfer and Diffusion
Case Study 17 CFC (ODS) Solvent Phaseout in Mexican Electronic
Case Study 18 SwedishGovernment Programme for Biomass
Boiler Conversion in the Baltic States
Case Study 19 Dissemination of Biogas Digester Technology
Case Study 20 Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Global
Capitalism (CPACC): Design and Establishment of Sea-Level/Climate Monitoring
Case Study 21 Concrete Armouring for the Coast - Government
to Private Sector Technology Transfer
Case Study 22 World Bank/GEF India Alternative Energy
Case Study 23 CFC-free Refrigerators in Thailand
Case Study 24 Financing Micro-hydro Energy Dissemination
in Peru
Case Study 25 Tree Growers' Cooperatives: A Participatory
Approach to Reclaim Degraded Lands
Case Study 26 Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Reduced
Impact Logging
Case Study 27 Technology Information Assessment and Dissemination
in India
Case Study 28 Medicinal Plants vs Pharmaceuticals for
Tropical Rural Health Care
Case Study 29 ROK-5 Mangrove Rice Variety in Sierra Leone
Case Study 30 Use of Indigenous Technologies/Community-driven
Pathways in the South Pacific
Appendix 16-1: Case Study by Chapter cross reference
Coordinating Lead Authors:
Sukumar Devotta (India), Maithili Iyer (India), Daniel M. Kammen (USA)
Lead Authors:
Saroja Asthana (India), James Aston (Samoa), James Boyd (USA), Thomas Carlson
(USA), Alfonso Carrasco (Peru), William Chandler (USA), Jorge Corona (Mexico),
Otto Doering (USA), Richard Duke (USA), Yuichi Fujimoto (Japan), Yasuo Hosoya
(Japan), Hidefumi Imura (Japan), Arne Jacobson (USA), Stefan Kessler (Switzerland),
Xenia Loizidou (Cyprus), Stephen Magezi (Uganda), Eric Martinot (USA), Indu
Murthy (India), Teruo Okazaki (Japan), Gunter Pauli (Belgium), Peter du Pont
(USA), P. Sudha (India), N H Ravindranath (India), Suzana K Ribeiro (Brazil),
Steve Ryder (USA), Teodoro Sanchez (Peru), Sergey Surnin (Ukraine), Jeanne Townend
(USA), Claudio Volonté (Uruguay), (James Williams (USA), Li Yue (China)
Review Editors:
Rajendra Shende (India), Othmar Schwank (Switzerland)