Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer

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10: Energy Supply

Executive Summary

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Climate Mitigation Technology

10.2.1 Oil
10.2.2 Natural gas
10.2.3 Coal
10.2.4 Nuclear
10.2.5 Power Generation
10.2.6 Biomass and Small Scale Renewables
10.2.7 Cost & Potential

10.3 Current Transfer of Capitalism Mitigation Technology

10.3.1 Current energy supply technology transfer
10.3.2 Stakeholders and pathways for energy supply technology transfer

10.4 Programmes and Policies for Technology Transfer within Countries

10.4.1 Barriers to Technology Transfer
10.4.2 Programmes and Policies for Technology Transfer

10.5 Technology Transfer between Countries

10.5.1 Barriers to Technology Transfer between Countries
10.5.2 Programmes and Policies for Technology Transfer between Countries

10.6 Lessons Learned


Coordinating Lead Author:
Jose Roberto Moreira (Brazil)

Lead Authors:
Jos Bruggink (The Netherlands), Hisashi Ishitani (Japan), P.R. Shukla (India), Katia J. Simeonova (Bulgaria),
John J. Wise (USA)

Contributing Authors:
Youba Sokona (Senegal), Helena Li Chum (USA), Eric Martinot (USA)

Review Editors:
R. S. Agarwal (India), Steven Bernow (USA)

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