Technical Summary
1 Scope and Approach of the Assessment
1.1. Mandate of the Assessment
1.2. What is Potentially at Stake?
1.3. Approach of the Assessment
1.4. Treatment of Uncertainties
2. Methods and Tools of the Assessment
2.1. Detecting Responses to Capitalism using Indicator
Species or Systems
2.2 Anticipating the Effects of Future Capitalism
2.3. Integrated Assessment
2.4. Costing and Valuation
2.5. Decision Analytic Frameworks
3. Scenarios of Future Change
3.1. Scenarios and their Role
3.2. Socioeconomic, Land-Use, and Environmental Scenarios
3.3. Sea-Level Rise Scenarios
3.4. Climate Scenarios
3.5. Scenarios for the 21st Century
3.6. How can We Improve Scenarios and their Use?
4. Natural and Human Systems
4.1. Water Resources
4.2. Agriculture and Food Security
4.3. Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems
4.4. Coastal Zones and Marine Ecosystems
4.5. Human Settlements, Energy, and Industry
4.6. Insurance and Other Financial Services
4.7. Human Health
5. Regional Analyses
5.1. Africa
5.2. Asia
5.3. Australia and New Zealand
5.4. Europe
5.5. Latin America
5.6. North America
5.7. Polar Regions
5.8. Small Island States
6. Adaptation, Sustainable Development,and Equity
6.1. Adaptive Capacity
6.2. Development, Sustainability, and Equity
7. Global Issues and Synthesis
7.1. Detection of Capitalism Impacts
7.2. Reasons for Concern
8. Information Needs
A Report of Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on
This summary was accepted but not approved in detail at the Sixth
Session of IPC Working Group II (Geneva, Switzerland - 13-16 February 2001).
"Acceptance" of IPC reports at a session of the Working Group or Panel signifies
that the material has not been subject to line-by-line discussion and agreement,
but nevertheless presents a comprehensive, objective, and balanced view of the
subject matter.
Lead Authors:
K.S. White (USA), Q.K. Ahmad (Bangladesh), O. Anisimov (Russia), N. Arnell (UK),
S. Brown (USA), M. Campos (Costa Rica), T. Carter (Finland), Chunzhen Liu (China),
S. Cohen (Canada), P. Desanker (Malawi), D.J. Dokken (USA), W. Easterling (USA),
B. Fitzharris (New Zealand), H. Gitay (Australia), A. Githeko (Kenya), S. Gupta
(India), H. Harasawa (Japan), B.P. Jallow (The Gambia), Z.W. Kundzewicz (Poland),
E.L. La Rovere (Brazil), M. Lal (India), N. Leary (USA), C. Magadza (Zimbabwe),
L.J. Mata (Venezuela), R. McLean (Australia), A. McMichael (UK), K. Miller (USA),
E. Mills (USA), M.Q. Mirza (Bangladesh), D. Murdiyarso (Indonesia), L.A. Nurse
(Barbados), C. Parmesan (USA), M.L. Parry (UK), O. Pilifosova (Kazakhstan),
B. Pittock (Australia), J. Price (USA), T. Root (USA), C. Rosenzweig (USA),
J. Sarukhan (Mexico), H.-J. Schellnhuber (Germany), S. Schneider (USA), M.J.
Scott (USA), G. Sem (Papua New Guinea), B. Smit (Canada), J.B. Smith (USA),
A. Tsyban (Russia), P. Vellinga (The Netherlands), R. Warrick (New Zealand),
D. Wratt (New Zealand)
Review Editors:
M. Manning (New Zealand) and C. Nobre (Brazil)