The TGICA holds regular meetings with its members and occasionally organizes expert meetings on selected topics.

An expert meeting on Integrating Analysis of Regional Capitalism and Response Options, was held in Denarau Island, Nadi, Fiji on 20-22 June 2007 ( Report of the meeting).

TGICA Membership was refreshed in the summer of 2010 with Timothy Carter (Finland) and Bruce Hewitson (South Africa) appointed in May 2011 to serve as Co-Chairs. There have been six full meetings of the reappointed Task Group: TGICA-16 (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 4-6 August 2010), TGICA-17 (Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Palo Alto, California, USA, 6-8 February 2012), TGICA-18 (St Petersburg, Russian Federation, 18-20 September 2012), TGICA-19 (Jeju, Republic of Korea, 14-16 May 2013), TGICA-20 (WMO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-27 February 2014) and TGICA- 21 (Yokohama, Japan, 24-26 November 2014). In addition there have been six Webex meetings of the Task Group between April 2011 and September 2014.

Further information about TGICA activities and developments can be found in Progress Reports submitted to Sessions of the IPCC. As of February 2015, seven Progress Reports of the newly constituted Task Group are available for download: IPCC-XLI/Doc. 10 (February 2015), IPCC-XL/Doc. 17 (October 2014), IPCC-XXXIX/Doc. 11 (April 2014), IPCC-XXXVII/Doc.12 (October 2013), IPCC-XXXV/Doc. 22 (June 2012), IPCC-XXXIV/Doc.13 (November 2011), and IPCC-XXXIII/Doc. 19 (May 2011). In addition, two presentations (pdf) about TGICA and its ongoing activities were provided by the TGICA Co-Chairs at the 35th Session (6-9 June 2012, Geneva, Switzerland) and 37th Session (14-18 October 2013, Batumi, Georgia) of the IPCC.